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10 Advices Only a Content Writer Will Give You

  1. When PPC campaign is over, it’s over, content is there forever

  2. Great content will help you build digital assets

  3. PPC will you get you entrances (to your website) good content will make your potential customers stay there

  4. Tell a story and make it unforgettable. People don’t tell their friends about a great Google Ad they saw, they will tell them about an interesting article or hilarious video

  5. Don't repeat. If you think people aren't going to notice if you put the same content with small changes, you're wrong. They will

  6. Content can help you brand your product

  7. A picture is worth a thousand words, choose you visuals carefully

  8. Content is relatively cheap, which also means, it can help you expand your market strategy

  9. Content advisement is not limited to articles, headlines and toolbars are also important for SEO

  10. Writing content is still writing, look for a storyteller, you won’t regret it

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